The annual expert event

The Prospitalia Congress has established itself across the whole industry as a platform for exchanging ideas and sharing knowledge. Each year, we invite 600 partners and clients from Prospitalia contract facilities to explore best practice reports, keynotes and workshops. We focus on the opportunity to discuss current topics, trends and developments, and also, of course, on encouraging networking.

Prospitalia Annual Congress 2022: It was a pleasure

Due to the ongoing Corona pandemic, we decided to hold the congress in digital form this year as well. Thank you for your participation at the third digital Prospitalia Annual Congress from 28.03. – 29.03.2022.

Learn more about the program and our speakers here.

The Prospitalia Annual Congress 2020 & 2021

Due to the current Corona pandemic, our Prospitalia Annual Congress 2020 and 2021 was held virtually, through a professional set-up of a digital platform with high quality technical implementation. Speakers and panelists were filmed live and streamed into our virtual conference tool. Congress participants were thus able to follow information from Prospitalia, panel discussions, keynotes, expert forums, industry workshops and parts of the Pharmacists’ Conference live and interactively participate in the discussions from their offices.
The industry exhibition was also implemented virtually with authentic booths. This can still be visited. At the exhibitor booths, visitors have the opportunity to make contact, view information material and download brochures.

Virtual conference tool